Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Strong Connections

Lately I've been wondering again what I will do with my life. The question seems more important at some times than it it does at others, depending on how imperative knowing the answer is at the time. Now is one of those times when suddenly, the need to find an answer to that question seems like a very necessary event. A newly obtained bachelor's degree, a professional job that has a timeline of 4 months, the hanging cloud of financial expenses, and the insatiable curiousity to know how everything works begs the question: What is the eventual consequence of the interests I've combined with the experiences I've gained, the values I have, and the areas I want to know more about? Where is this all taking me, and how can I reach an outcome that fulfills my multifaceted interests?

For me, the answer to this question lies in finding the connectedness between all the areas I have skill in and knowledge of and synthesizing them into something new. How can I combine a specialty in marketing with a skill in intuitive arts and/or symbolism (tarot, runes, dream interpretation...), and in interest in philosophical thought and scientific phenomena? How much more must I learn before I can see how I can relate all of this.....
